Affiliate Marketing Strategies in Detail

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Affiliate Marketing Tutorials for beginners
Affiliate Marketing  Tips and Tricks For Beginners

You don't have a website, you don't have money, you're almost a beginner, you have no skill, Maybe you have nothing except just a mobile, can you start working online?

So the short answer is yes.

I will tell you one of the simplest w(ays to Earn Money online which is an Affiliate Marketing But this topic will be special.

This is a example Step by step guide in detail About :

  • How to get a product ? 
  • How to get Affiliate link ? 
  • How to get and promote these links?

Your first conversion Online so please don't forget to follow up till end.

Today i'm going to tell you one of the easiest and simple ways To start making money online with.

Why Affiliate Marketing ? 

In Affiliate You don't need anything for this Get started,No money without a website,Your mobile phone which you need is focused on this topic with me only.

Let me show you how i work in Affiliate Marketing and then you can copy my strategies, copy My Methods and Best Practices to Make Money Online and start your own Online Business in Affiliate.

Let's start now for only 20 seconds and start Affiliate Marketing in general so 

What Affiliate Marketing is ? 


Three main places you can choose products from.The three places are :

Number One.   (1) ClickBank 

I Know ClickBank is not Available in all Countries you may have some difficulties to join and so on this is why i'm showing you three websites want that fits your country and fits in your situation.Anyway ClickBank is one of the best Places to start with. 

ClickBank is one of the world's 100 leading Internet retailers and one of the most popular online trading platforms. With over 4,000 unique products available to over 200 million customers worldwide, we are perhaps one of the best affiliate programs in the world.

After Creating ClickBank Account your Focus on is getting a Affiliate product.Go to Affiliate MarketPlace in MyAccount , for an example there is ebiz and emarketing Section, and in the list here go to result and then filter or sort by gravity so you can pick a product With a gravity like 50 and more so you have a higher chance to promote and sell this product.Pick any product from the list and Click Promote.Now it will ask you to Enter  your Nickname that you already created in clickbank,anyways autoscope now just generate hop links and you will get this link,this link is Affiliate Link that you are going to Promote.

Number Two.    (2) Warrior Plus

Now , How i will get affiliate link for Warrior Plus ?

Simply go to Affiliate and click on Offers or Click Here to go to Affliate Offers Page.Now you will see all the Affiliate Offers that you can promote you see here so as an example we have 1000 sales 25 conversion rate which is really also a high percentage you can see here the refund rate is only 2 percent also it's a good percentage so maybe this is a good product so just look here at the numbers of sales the conversion rate and the refund rate and see the visitor value  to pick up a product that may work with you.
So then if you want to Promote this Product simply click on request here and you will see the product page here.
Now in Warrior Plus you will need to request approval for each product you want to promote almost all good products require approval so what you are going to do here to get your affiliate link is to click on request approval and then you need to enter some details in this box before you go and click on request offer.
I Know it's optional but usually if you leave it blank with nothing you will get denied.So it's better to write something here in box to tell the owner of the author of this product to make the author accept you.
So a good practice before you go and write anything here is to write and search about this product to learn about the product so when you request approval and you write here that you know his product and how it works it will look somehow professional so any product you pick go and google about it read about it and see how it works maybe watch a video about it and then right here what you know about this product this will give him some how that you know what you are promoting. 
The Second thing a good practice is to mention anything that helps approving the request which mentioning maybe your social following on how you are going to promote like say i have maybe 3000 social following on facebook or 5000 facebook page or whatever so mention here anything that helps in approving like if you have an email list if you have a website if you have a youtube channel if you have anything that helps in promoting mention it here.
So you can have higher chance to get approved usually.It's not that hard to get approved on Warrior Plus but just mention anything here to show some trust to the author of this product now in my case since i have following i have email list i have my website i will not show you what I wrote because it's totally different as a beginner but try to find whatever you have maybe some social media following anything you have just write it here down in a professional way to get a higher chance to get approved.
So after you've had the request and request the offer and you get approved you will get your affiliate link again like this.So now we know how to get the affiliate link from.

Number Three. (3) Get Response

Get Response an email marketing company that requires nothing to be approved just sign up and get your affiliate link.Now you can see this affiliate link just copy it, after you sign up and you can start promoting directly and you can see this awesome application.It has 100 dollars commission on any sale you do for this service or you can go with recaring program that will allow you to earn every month for each client and this is perfect.

GetResponse helps you evaluate your email marketing efforts by measuring various metrics, including the number of people who have opened your emails, the numbers who actually clicked on the links in the email, and the numbers who unsubscribed.

Q. How we can Guarantee Sales?

A. it's really a weird question there's nothing called guarantee sales in Affiliate Marketing or any type of marketing you are marketing a product which means you are getting traffic you want to get traffic to this product to this product page.

now then problem in your product or in your landing page or whatever but usually as a beginner we just want to make sure to get traffic to promote the affiliate links and promote our Affiliate products and whatever conversion rate we can start with will be really perfect.Now here i am honest with you i will not tell you after you finish reading this  you will make like one thousand dollars per month or two thousand dollars or ten thousand dollars.

If you make like 100 or 200 dollars for the first month it will be really great then you can scale up and make much much more money but as a beginner now with no skills with nothing starting from scratch making 100 or 200 or maybe 300 will be really awesome for you .

So Clickbank and from warrior plus now if you don't want to bother your head and get directly a free and simple product to promote directly the best way is to choose a product like this one a custom product.

Now we have the products i showed you ClickBank Warrior Plus and a custom product like GetResponse so your job now is to get the Affiliate Link and now we need to promote it.

I Hope everything is simple and clear we have Affiliate link now we need to go to the second part of Affilate Marketing which is 

Promoting the Product :- to get some conversions and earn commission let's continue our work so in my example i will pick GetResponse any product just for the sake of the example i will copy this affiliate link and now i need to start promoting this product okay fine so now the main question is how to promote affiliate links ? how to get traffic to affiliate links ? mainly We have Two strategies or two methods Paid advertising with Native Ads and Social Media Ads and So on or Free Traffic so you know this Article is for beginners we are going to start from scratch with no money with nothing so i will not talk about paid advertising.

Free traffic sources we want to go with Free marketing and Free Affiliate Marketing now what's nice that i create a full article about. Free Affiliate traffic sources i will pick one of the traffic sources i think it's one of the best sources and you can see results from the first day which is Quora  so if you go here and open

What is Quora ?

Quora by the way is Question and Answer website.People here can ask questions and answer.Questions and it's nice about Quora, it has look at this number  it has 500 million visits every month and the top visitors are from the US like 50% are from the us so this website is one of the best websites to get free traffic targeted traffic and you can target people who buys online we have high value people from the US or from the top Countries on our planet so what is core as i told you it's a Q. n A. website so you can ask questions and answer questions.

You are a beginner or you don't know anything on Quora we are going to answer questions related to our affiliate product and we will mention the links in our answers now before we go and start just one important point.

Quora is so sensitive it's not like any other website where you can spam and so on and don't don't think about black hat methods or spamming when you want to start a real online business just take this small advice from me just learn and work hard a couple of months and you will see real money coming into your pocket.

So no need for spamming no need for just going with black hat methods just follow up with me and build a real business online so here.

Quora it's an awesome source of traffic you don't need a website you don't need anything you just need to give some value and answer questions and then mention your affiliate links so let's go now practically and see how things work

So as i told you i'm promoting here GetResponse which is an Email Marketing company so what i'm going to do on Quora is to answer questions related to email marketing and more precisely maybe related to our product so we can search as an example for GetResponse and great you can see now we have a lot of questions that talking about Email Marketing email newsletters about GetResponse and so on so what you are going to do is to pick a question and answer this question now. 

let's talk about what is the best email newsletter platform so One person on Quora wants to know what is the "best email marketing service"  so what you are going to do now is to answer this question you click on answer here and start writing the answer .

Now you may ask me Hey  i Don't Know Anything About Email Marketing maybe about this product and so on this is why i told you when you choose an Affiliate product in Warrior Plus or whatever affiliate product It's a good practice to learn about it.

The first day just read about it see how it works maybe sign up for a free trial or a free account and use the service just to be familiar with then you need to answer this question the easiest way is to copy this question what is the best email use that a platform copy it and just paste here on your search engine and you will see a lot of articles answering this question so it's that simple you don't need to create an answer or just do a lot of search researches of course you you are not going to write all this we can just pick up the first couple of statements from the first from each service and do this comparison to answer this question and to look Professional so just find the answer anywhere on the web write it down and rewrite it on your own way in your own way and answer this question and paste it.

Quora like every day you will answer like five questions or ten questions , look somehow professional and not like a robot just create an answer template and you can use it later on on different questions so this is how it works on Quora you find an answer you wrote you rewrite in your own way create the answer and start pasting on Quora with the affiliate links now here's an important point about the affiliate links in Quora.

Quora doesn't allow directly putting affiliate links now i know in general if you don't spam if you really look professional it will allow you to pass some affiliate links it's not that big deal but if you just paste affiliate links without good content you will definitely get banned so as a good practice you have two choices number one is whenever you want to paste a link here you need to cloak the link you don't need to paste directly an affiliate link what is cloaking a link.

As an Example if you go on Quora just direct paste your affiliate link and this is what Quora hates it doesn't like affiliate links.So what you are going to do here is to short the link like it will be directed to the affiliate product so this is what we call url redirection and you can track your links.

Promote Your Affiliate by Creating Web Page : To create a small web page about this product you can simply use it's a Google company allows you to create a website totally for free so simply create a blog.This is your free website and you can just copy this link now and paste in Quora here in the answer it's better than using a direct Short link or affiliate link in this way you'll be in the safe side now other important point on Quora is every day for the first week like answer two or three questions or five questions without links just to build somehow a good trust with Quora.

Then next week start asking questions and within each five questions put a link so one link in each five questions in this way you will not look like spam and the other important point don't forget really give value so you can build trust with people and people will love your answers and get more and more traffic to your affiliate products so this is how you can work with Quora.

i'm sorry the Article  is somehow long but it's a detailed step-by-step guide so needed this time to show you everything in details so this is how you can pick a product from different affiliate products and services like Warrior Plus Clickbank or a custom affiliate product like Get response.

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